Wednesday, November 18, 2015

USAID Rice Seed Scaling Project

START DATE: March 2015                                                ESTIMATED DURATION:  3 years
SPONSORS:  USAID                       
LOCATION:  Northern and Upper East Regions of Ghana

PARTICIPATING SCIENTISTS: Mr. Boubakar Cise, Dr. Ajayi and Dr. Kabirou Ndiaye
 COLLABORATING INSTITUTIONS: AfricaRice, MoFA, seed companies and seed growers, the Ghana seed inspection unit (GSIU), input dealers, farmer representatives and other rice sector development projects like the Quality Rice Development Project (QRDP), ADVANCE II, and the Agricultural Technology Transfer Project

The major objective of this project is to stimulate the development of a sustainable rice seed system in Northern Ghana, in particular in Feed the Future ‘Zones of Interest’ in the Northern and Upper East Regions. AfricaRice will provide technical assistance for
(i)                 Seed sector organization and planning to connect actors producing different categories of seed;
(ii)               Capacity building in quality breeder seed production at SARI, private seed company support in close collaboration with other USAID partners (for foundation and certified seed) and farmer organizations (for quality declared seed); 
(iii)             TA to assess and recommend optimal best-bet equipment for seed harvesting, processing and conditioning; and (iv)
(iv)              Promotion of the use of quality seed by farmers.

METHODOLOGY: Training opportunity will be given to staff of seed companies who will be producing foundation and certified seed as well as seed inspectors, MoFA. Extension staff and input shops. The project will conduct a needs’ assessment for upgrading and renovating current equipment used for seed harvesting, processing, conditioning and storage at the four seed companies in the project, updated as appropriate and to include new high-potential companies entering over the life of the project. Improved and adapted equipment will be introduced and demonstrated. The project will provide financial and organizational coaching for the private companies and the SEEDPAG farmer organizations to gradually build private sector capacity in seed production.

Twelve young graduates were trained on quality rice seed production for one month at AfricaRice training centre in San Louis, Senegal. The young graduates have been employed by partners and have been integrated in the project. Mou’s were signed with various partners along the rice seed value chain to upscale the production and distribution of rice seed. A total of 117 demonstrations on quality seed production and four hectare foundation seed plots of CSIR-Agra Rice and Gbewaa were planted and being managed by partners. 0.4 Ha CSIR-AGRA and Gbewaa breeder seed plot was planted by CSIR-SARI

WAY FORWARD: Rouging of off types and weed and water management. Organization of field days and planning for harvest and postharvest activities.

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